Ms. Chandni teaching students

Srot Centre, Mungla

The first satellite centre started by the Srot Foundation was started here in Mungla village of the the Tirthan Valley. In some sense this was the place where it all began. Many of these students have been with us since the beginning when the centre shifted from here to Sairopa and then the Banjar. When the centre shifted, Chandni too charge of the students here and continued to run the centre.

There are about 25-30 students who come here and 3 teachers - Chandni, Seema and Bittu - who work with them. The youngest student here is a 4 year old while the oldest are 12. It is hard to work with such a diverse group of students but the teachers are very dedicated and hardworking. Students here never want to take an off day and teachers often have to plead with them to take leave on Sundays. This just goes to show how much the students enjoy coming here and how much effort the teachers take to do the best they can.